Swimming Towards Warmer Weather!

Because I love the sea so much, I usually have a few shells and coral sitting around in every room. I found this wooden fish at a local shop and because he went so well with the coral, it is now his new home!
Home Goods has a lot of ocean related decor right now. I know some of it is kind of kitschy but I mix it in with a few genuine shells and coral and it doesn't look bad. Every year I try to buy one genuine shell which breaks my rule of waiting until I can afford to buy what I really want. But the fake shells are inexpensive and fill in the gaps. Every once in a while it is okay to break the rules!

Shells and coral feel less seasonal when mixed in with some antique German pewter and Flow Blue. I have a small collection of pewter that I add to from time to time.

The bookcase was an ugly pine which I painted and put new knobs on. The blue lamp is one of a pair I found at Home Goods.  I made a beeline for them when the color beckoned but I am really not a blue girl!  Yet, I have been adding in bits and pieces of it and I am finally beginning to redefine my design style. I have been floundering (no pun intended) for some time as I felt I could not clearly express my taste. I will share more about that when I have my thoughts together about living in design limbo! 

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